That's my analogy on tweeting. That's how I find it pointless to announce what you are exactly doing or thinking every day of your life for the sake of your supposed "followers."
People who rely on Twitter, I guess, either have no actual friends or have friends but they do not see each other. If you really know and communicate with your friend, you do not need Twitter to know where they are or what they are doing at the moment.
I am not waging war against Twitter. I just want to emphasize that tweeting is overrated and that it is just a publicity hype.
But I believe it has some use. Twitter is made for the fans of celebrities. The followers, on the one hand, are those who spend so much time minding other people's lives and get some thrill out of it. Those who tweet, on the other hand, are somewhat self-indulgent, seeking pleasure out of revealing something about their personal lives.
For this reason, celebrities using Twitter are estopped from suing someone for stalking or invasion of privacy because they asked for it. The paparazzi are in brisk business. I can hear Tweety Bird complaining from inside his (or her) cage.
Tweeting is fun, yes. For some. But it is not my kind of fun.
Now let me get myself out of the toilet so I can change my Facebook status.
Hey JP,
I LOOOOVE tweeting. That's because I like the simple things that people think right at one moment. When people tweet what they're eating, they're appreciating food they really like to eat. When people tweet they're sharing the simple things they're doing to friends. I don't think you're correct in saying that those who tweet do not have friends. In fact, I really love knowing what my friends or others are doing. Also, I appreciate tweeter for its mobility since I can update from my phone. Lastly, twitter is microblogging, and since I don't like writing really long blogs, I love twitter.
I agree though that people shouldn't tweet that they're going to the toilet, thank you very much! :)
Hahaha! I appreciate the comment Madz. Don't get hurt. I'm not pertaining to you in this blog. Being my friend, you are the exception. Go forth and tweet!
Hey, bro. Interesting insights you have here, especially on tweeting. I beg to differ, though. :) Twitter may be overrated, but it deserves more credit for its usefulness. You choose who you want to follow so the information you get is one of interest to you. It's a micro-blogging site, so the short status messages (not just about one's mundane activities, but opinions, thoughts, campaigns, opportunities, news and current events, etc.) rarely tend to bore. Progressive companies have hired and been hiring social media specialists to promote their interests on social network sites such as Twitter and FB. It's really changing the way people communicate, but if it helps spread information quickly (and you don't follow those with doubtful info) and creatively, and gives twitterers separated by great distance feelings of closeness and "up-to-dateness"... I say why not tweet? :D
Points well said and well taken Sis. :-)
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